Friday, January 8, 2010

The Sookie Stackhouse Novels

***Alright, many of you have watched the show, or just read the books....maybe, you have both read the books and seen the show! Well, if you qualify as a TRUE fan, then guess what? I got GREAT news for you T.B. fans!
It comes in two parts:
{PART ONE}:Book Ten
Your probably reading this and u r like BOOK TEN? WTF!? And here is why you SHOULDN"T be there going BOOK TEN? WTF!? Book Ten, as many of you do and don't kno, is the newest SOOKIE STACKHOUSE book coming MAY 4th, 2010, by CHARLAINE HARRIS
( It's called IN THE FAMILY, and I have a previous post about that, and this one is the newest topic, so yay!
{PART TWO}: Season Three
You probably AREN"T reading this and gasping another BOOK TEN? WTF!? moment. If you are going SEASON THREE? WTF!? Seriously, if you dont kno already I'll tell you...THERE WILL BE ANOTHER SEASON OF TRUE ON HBO COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited cause this one wraps around the plot of CLUB (Sookie Book 3) and many of you know what that means: it means that there will be MORE episodes to devour and enjoy!!!
Here is what CLUB 's back cover says.
"There's only one vampire Sookie Stackhouse is involved with (at least voluntarily) and that's Bill. But recently he's been a little distant--in another state distant. His sinister and y boss, Eric, has an idea where to find him. Next thing Sookie knows, she is off to Jackson, Mississippi, to mingle with the under--underworld at Club . It's a dangerous little haunt where the elitist vampire society can go to chill out and suck down some type O. But when Sookie finally finds Bill--caught in an act of serious betrayal--she's not sure whether to save him...or sharpen some stakes."
Doesn't that sound AMAZING!?!?!?!?!? Well, I finished Sookie Book 3, and IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!
if you are dying for season three, you have to go out and buy ALL Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris cause they seriously are not different from the show, the books came first btw, and the show is just based around each book, every episode goes to every chapter, and every season is every book (book one=season one, episode one=chapter one). Here is the book order if you dont wanna spend alot of money AAO (all at once) for the Sookie Boxed Set of the first eight books that are in a very nice case that keeps them together
  1. Dead Until Dark
  2. Living In Dallas
  3. Club
  4. Dead To The World
  5. Dead As A Doornail
  6. Definitely
  7. All Together
  8. From To Worse
  9. Dead And Gone
*A Touch Of * (Short Stories about Sookie Stackhouse that u HAVE to read all the books in the series before reading the short stories since some take place after or before a book or two.)
10. ** In The Family** (which is Sookie Book 10 onsale MAY 4th, 2010!!!) So mark ur calenders!!!!!
Now, if you have read the series, here is some news you probably don't know....and if you do u can read this anyway! : there are some websites (such as which definitely has a pic of the guy who will play Alcide in season three) that will have an article or a picture or just a miniature line of info. that will tell you who is playing who/Alcide Herveaux. If you notice well, you will see that it's the same guy who played OWEN from CW11's ONE TREE HILL created by ****Mark Schwahn. If you like the choice, good, if not, IDC cause they already signed him so get over it!

Season three will be airing on HBO very soon, so keep your eyes out on the listings of TV shows/premeire websites or articles so you can either sit down or set your timer to have TRUE on your TV screen!

*A Touch of is now on sale in ACE hardcover
**Everything written about IN THE FAMILY belongs to Charlaine Harris
***Charlaine Harris has EVERY right to all of the Sookie Stackhouse information I just put up on this post. Nothing belongs to me and nothing will EVER belong to me
****Mark Schwahn has EVERY right to all of the ONE TREE HILL info. I just put up on this post. Nothing belongs to me and nothing will EVER belong to me