Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009-2010

Why hello there, fellow reader!
If you have read the title then you know why ur reading this! If you haven't read the title and ur like OMG WTF IS THE TITLE just look up above and u'll see that THIS post is for NEW YEAR'S EVE BABY!!!!!
anyway, haha, many ppl have there NEW YEAR'S resolution(s) made and I am here to list a few of mine....BUT FIRST!, we have to get thru this whole shinanigan thingy that I want YOU to do!!!
when they have FIVE seconds left on the clock until 2010, I want you to run outside, stand on something that's pretty tall (make sure u dont fall off) and SCREAM exactly this into the world
"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
then go back inside, watch some TV and have a good new years!
here are my resolutions for the NEW YEAR!!!
  1. read WAY more than I do now
  2. get into some more/diff. bands (stuff ppl reccomend and see if I like)
  3. not be afraid of what's to come
  4. party hardy with my friends
  5. lose a little bit of weight (ever since I quit soccer this year I grew a little bit of pounds I certainly dont want at all!!!)
  6. not be as lazy as I am
  7. do more productive things around the house (a thing or two like laundry, dishes, etc.)
  8. make new friends
  9. show my true colors to ppl I can trust!
  10. kiss my true love!

alright, those are MY new years resolutions, wut r urs?

and tell me on what U plan to do tonight or in the new year!!!!!!


Monday, December 28, 2009

One Tree Hill

alright, so lately, I haven't been on here (or on my computer at all!)
which really suxx, but now I am so yay!
anyway, I'm here today to talk about my favorite TV show:
One Tree Hill (created by Mark Schwahn)
There are seven (7) seasons of the show so far, seasons one thru six (1-6) are out on DVD NOW! and Season Seven (7) is still in the making!
I went to this site where they had each ep. title, and I only saw three ep. titles left!
Which either means two things:
  • 1.) the seventh season only has three episodes left
  • 2.) there are only three more episodes so far, and he is writing another one (he=Mark)

And it really suxx cause if ther is only THREE episodes left, that means season seven is on its way to DVD (which is a good and sad YAY!) and there's a good chance this is the last season!

I saw a traffic map of how many people are watching the show, and beleive it or not, they have been losing fans ever since LEYTON (peyton and lucas) have left the show!

and not just that, but also because alot of the original charictars are gone too

  1. Grandma Deb/Nanny Deb
  2. Fergi
  3. Junk
  4. Lucas
  5. Peyton
  6. Sam (Brooke's fauster daughter from SEASON SIX)
  7. Karen (Luke's mom, though ever since season four she hasn't been on except for one episode in season five (the wedding episode where Lindsey runs away from the altar) and then the episode in Season Six where Peyton gives birth to her daughter: Sawyer Brooke Scott)
  8. Whitey Durrham (though he was only in one ep. of SEASON SIX)

and that should be about it!

but what really makes all of this sad, is that it's all falling apart!

so if this is the last One Tree Hill season, I'm glad that they swung a last good swing at it, which in my eyes SEASON SEVEN had a really good plot (Brooke picking her store back up, Milli getting hooked on after Alex starts to get sober (FINALLY) Haley getting back into her Musical Self, Nathan getting back into his Basketball dream(s) and Jaime living his life like a normal kid (once more).

The show could be ALOT better with the original cast, plus the new one, but its still a good season!!!!

anyway, I love the show, and you guys really need to either borrow it from someone, watch it online or buy it cause you will fall under Mark Schwahn's awesomness of my fav. show



Monday, December 21, 2009


Alright, alot of people are OH SO excited for the upcoming Christmas holiday!
many kids are off school, many are almost off school, many are off work, many are almost off work, etc. etc.
But what really is what's unexpected, is what's wrapped in mulit-colored wrapping paper under YOUR Christmas tree this year. Weather your still in a stomach, or your too fragile to move, you're very excited on what your getting this year, weather you dont know what it is, or if you do!
But I'm not gonna talk about Christmas right now!
I'm gonna talk about this new book coming out next May 4th, 2010!
It's In The Family, by Charlaine Harris.
Dead And Gone is the latest book that people have on there book shelves, in there hands, or under there tree this year, and it's a knockout!

But In The Family, is the ACTUAL latest book in the Sookie Stackhouse series, but sad news: gotta wait till May!
You can read the first chapter at, and you can see the cover art for In The Family! (good thing for you its the picture in the left upper corner!)
And I am VERY VERY VERY excited!!! (if you can't tell!)
I hope it's WAYYY Better than the last, which it definitly will be since Charlaine wrote it!
and for people who don't know, there will be a Sookie 11!!!
No one except Charlaine and her close people know what it's called and when it will be finished, etc. But at leat we have two more Sookie adventures to hope for!!!
I am not really good at blogging, cause your just mostly talking in words and letting random people read and comment them, but this is my first one one here!
But I just want to say, through out all the last minute hassals, I hope the weather doesn't screa up ur Christmas, and I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
Have fun!

The Lovely Bones-Alice Sebold (book talk #1)

{NOTE: this is my first book talk enjoy}

The Lovely Bones
Alice Sebold
"My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was ed on December 6th, 1973."
So begins the story of Susie Salmon, who is adjusting to her new home in heaven, a place that is not at all what she expected, even as she is watching her life on earth continue without her-her friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her killer trying to cover his tracks, her greifstricken family unraveling.
Out of unspeakable tragedy and loss, The Lovely Bones succeeds, miraculously, in building a tale filled with hope, humor, suspense, and joy.
For starters, I just want to tell you all that this is book talk #1! I plan on reading as many books before my birthday next year as I can so I can talk about the most...related books towards the most read ones (such as Twilight, Vampire Academy, The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd, The Host, The Awakening, etc. etc.)
This one, when I was in the book section of Target, this book literally shouted PICK ME UP AND BUY ME!!!!!! And I couldn't resist! Also, if I ever found it, I would have bought it cause the movie trailer(s) I saw at the theatre were just absolutly AHMAZING!!!! I was really wanting to know what happened and I finally got the book and I'm reaching the end, and trust me it will be done before Christmas day!!!
It's so...captivating, two of my friends were looking at the first chapter and was so scared of not finishing the first chapter before the bell rang for the next class. It hooked me from it's very first sentence which was "My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was ed on December 6th, 1973." I got all the way to chapter six in the first night I got it!
Its sooooo good!
I highly reccomend it to whoever is looking for a good mystery/suspense book that also likes to read from a narrative (haha) You will seriously fall in love with Alice Sebold's second novel: The Lovely Bones. If you recognize the name, it's probably cause you saw her name on two of her other books: Lucky: a memoir, and/or The Almost Moon.
I give The Lovely Bones FIVE out of FIVE stars!!!
Like Time reviews: "A triumphant novel....It's a knockout." -Time
You will never want to put it down!
And these final words are VERY true!!!
"Dont start The Lovely Bones unless you can finish it. The book begins with more horror than you could imagine, but closes with more beauty than you could hope for."-Christian Science Monitor.
You will LOVE it!!!


Friday, December 18, 2009

For the Record...

Alright, welcome 2 my site!
hopefully you have been told to come here instead of crossing over it through the GOOGLE search engine!
But if that's how you found me that is okay too.
I just wanted to start off this blog with a big fat WELCOME!!! Pleae make ur self comfy! (if that's possible!)
But I ALSO wanted to say, I will be book talking A BUNCH!!!!!!!
so if you dont like reading, or you just dont like reading about books over the internet, then please exit this blog article!
I will also be putting up new book releases/new music, DVD and GAME releases that I enjoy and I know alot of ppl will 2 as well so yea!
if you dont like music, movies, books or games plz exit this site and never come back again, and also visit a doctor cuz there is something TERRIBLY wrong wit u!
So have funn, and I will be posting my issues I wanna type out up here soon so yay for depression!!!
haha, anyway, explore and pass this URL to ur friends!