Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ummmm.......I guess this is a random post...so yea

Well for starters my computer I have EVERYTHING on has some kind of virus so I'm using a temporary computer until its fixed (which should be sometime soon) and I just want to run some things down here before I'm gone until its fixed.

School is the same: lame, boring, a waste of my time!

And the homework is pretty stupid: I had to build a BI-PLANE out of popsicle sticks and a hot glue gun with an empty water bottle (I could have used anything to make it but I chose that) and it looks pretty gosh darn good so I'm glad and I'm waiting for my grade

Oh and if you know what SUPERLATIVES are in the back of a yearbook (best hair, pretties eyes, most artistic (like the best person with art capabilities) etc. etc.) well I won MOST ARTISTIC SO YAY!!!!!

came out a month ago and I'm half way thru it so I'm almost done ;)
VLADIMIR TOD: TWELFTH GRADE KILLS is coming out this Sep. so again yay there!

But in the mean time the book I'm currently reading is VLAD TOD: EGB and WAKE by LISA McMANN (www.LisaMcMann.com) which is a triology (WAKE, FADE, and GONE) its really good I highly reccomend!!

Well I gotta run so I'll catch ya'll later that is my story from the time I was gone (there is some parts about my love life I left out so until next time have funn and check out those authors/books!!)

Have a safe weekend ahead of you and go for anything you feel determined to do.

(ahaha sry that was a bit cheesy lolz)

alright, gtg, bye!!!

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